Meet our new Fantasy Housemates! `
INAN 23, single, Makati, college instructor/couch potato
"I'm playful, sport, active, inquisitive, sometimes eccentric and unorthodox, poetic, deeply shallow, overly nice, corny most of the time, a sucker at telling jokes, spontaneous, romantic, sex-driven (huh?), basically a good boy, easy to be with, funky, artistic, the best kisser in town, your most favorite Engineering instructor,...(ok breathe, breathe, breathe)...I'm stupidly naive with household stuffs, a certified PC game addict, a heartbreaker, parliamentarily serious, dead serious even, a sucker for being in-love, a frustrated singer, a frustrated dancer, a very good actor (in short maarte), creative, an environmentalist, good in making love letters, an ornithophobe, a dummy, a moron in a cool intelligent-looking costume, pierced in the ears, tatooed in the soul, very friendly, very submissive, still a kid, sometimes cool,...(ok, breathe again)...I'm hot-tempered most of the time, mysteriously stunning, a dick head, not funny, compelling, a pain in the gut, nothing in between, sober most of the time, anti-injustice (ergo, im just), affectionate, on the verge of explosion, hardly understood, noticeably cute (yabang!) and the ultimate mellow-dramatic" more JERIC 14, single, Caloocan, highschool student/computer geek
"Im a simple guy living in a simple lifestyle. I really love my family, friends, relatives, and of course my computer. I love making friends, watching tv, producing podshows and stuffs. " `
2 C JeriC SobRanG KulEt and Very PleAsInG yUnG kanyAng mgA personAlities anD very talEnted in DoIng thIngs lIkE drAwing VeRy mabAeT and FriEndlY 2 OthErs wheN it ComeS 2 frinDshIpSobRaNg CheeRfuL anD somEtimeS verY serioUs buT he's vErY cHeeRfUl more `
JOPHE 22, single, Aklan, sales assistant/kikay
"im not a typical girl! i don't smoke but love todrink??!!hehehe do I have to describe myself? nye...sounds corny! But i cant't help here it goes, im a happy+noisy+funny but a dainty kind!!! really love fashion!!! go loka to yummy sam & yummy-yummy bOrgy!!nyah!!!!" more
NEIL DJ 27, single, Laguna, graduate student
"i'm your typical crabbie! hehehe, charmingly [(and sometimes sarcastically--->is there such a word?? (grammar conscious) intelligent)]; smart; temperamental; romantic; daring; philosophical; health-buff; partly-vain; futurist-classicist-idealist; most of the time a walking oxymoron...what else... u discover"
TRISH 28, single, Quezon City, entrepreneur
"I looked at the stars one night,the first one i saw was the brightest of them all, i named it yur name because when darkness falls yu are the star that brightens my world and you are the special one. I love cooking, watching drag racing, surfing the net, chatting, baking, cars, dogs, taebo " `